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Home, Here You Are | Blessing Olayinka

In Father’s rhyming wall clock, whose tune
zooms the path of the morning’s heart
and ‘ding’ counting, makes way for dawn’s arrival.
In the awakened sky,
beaming rays through the window;
in the early cries of chicks, trailing about defensive mother hens;
in Father’s generous garden of fruits, pasture
and meat;
in the energized backyard calls of puerile children;
in the croaking of frogs, and the hooting of night birds.

Home, here you are, like the cold, dusty breeze of harmattan,
descending like bubbles,
relishing kisses across your polluted scape—
a hollow ground to rest one’s aching back.

Home, here you are, like the perch of moonlight, after daybreak.
Steadily fading, slowly fleeting.



About the Author: Blessing Olayinka is a young and promising writer. She is talented in diverse spheres of arts, ranging from music, writing(all genres), painting, drawing, rebranding etc. She is a lover and promoter of Nature, Humanity, and African history, which is evident in many of her written works. She has published a drama text titled “My mother’s re-incarnate” She has written articles for magazines, and has been featured in writing competitions in which she was awarded certificates.

Photo by Allison Saeng on Unsplash

Published inPoetry&Musings


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